Rwenzori Central Circuit Trail

If you are an avid hiker who has grown weary of having to compete with a throng of tourists all eager to get past you, then we suggest going for less popular trail paths that are just as scenic and beautiful?

During peak season, the famous Inca Trail or Appalachian Mountains will be receiving more than their fair share of hikers but if you are in search of solitude, then these alternative foot paths brought to you by Ideal Feet are a few of your best options.

1. Heaphy Track, New Zealand

Instead of navigating your way through the highly populated Milford Tracks, why not set your sights on an equally challenging and picturesque trail path, that of the Heaphy Track.

Running across the north to west of South Island, this site is said to have been inhabited by the Maori hunters themselves. Exploring the Heaphy track will take you to a maze of dense forests, stunning alpine basins, swampy creeks and precarious wild rivers before reaching the captivating ever pristine white sand beaches found along the Tasman Coast.

2. St. Paul Trail, Turkey

If you are having a hard time getting a reservation to the Camino de Santiago trail path of Spain, then a trip the St. Paul Trail will be as magnificent but less stressful.

The trail of St. Paul follows the path of the saint’s missionary voyage that runs from Perge all the way to the ancient ruins of Yalvac. Although navigating through this trail is not as easy given its steep inclines, the view of breathtaking waterfalls, lakes and old Roman ruins are well worth the time and effort.

3. Loop Trail, Rwenzoris, Uganda

Rather than compete with thousands of tourists and hikers at Mt. Kilimanjaro, the Loop Trail of Uganda can be just as exciting and rewarding.

The Loop Trail through the Rwenzori Mountains of Uganda, however, is best reserved for those willing to rough it in given its wild terrain. En route, you will find yourself in awe of lush vegetation and towering mountain ranges that loops from the rocky landscapes of Nyakalengija and the shimmering beauty of the Kitandara Lakes. What sets it apart from other trail paths is its wide array of ecosystem that includes gigantic lobelias, uniquely mesmerizing colobus monkeys and close to 300 bird species.

These paths offer you more than just an alternative way to hike but it also rewards with a new and different perspective of places that are less popular but just as enchanting.

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